A mysterious picture in which nature and fantasy
intertwined in a fascinating context.
The picture uses moss of various types to create a unique visual effect. Reindeermoss of a pleasant light green color is laid out as an outline of the continent, creating the effect of an imaginary world that seems to have emerged from nature. Elements of tussock moss, varying in size and dark shade of green, connect two fragments, reminiscent of two continents or islands. Marsh-green flat moss fills the rest of the space, creating a feeling of spaciousness and boundlessness.
The picture resembles a mirage - distant and mysterious, but at the same time captivating with its natural harmony. It fills the space with depth and mystery, like a journey to unexplored corners of nature.
"Mirage" will become a bright accent in the interior, giving it an atmosphere of mysticism and openness to new possibilities. This work of art is not just an element of decor, but a kind of window into the world of fantasy and natural wonders.
200 х 60 sm
amaranth, flat moss, reindeer moss, tussock moss
does not require watering, retains freshness and color for up to 10 years, without care
Price: 1,320.00€+ VAT